@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ render_emoji = false
external_links_target_blank = true # rel="noopener"
external_links_no_follow = false # rel="nofollow"
external_links_no_referrer = false # rel="noreferrer"
smart_punctuation = true # `...` to `…`, `"quote"` to `“curly”` etc
smart_punctuation = false # `...` to `…`, `"quote"` to `“curly”` etc
highlight_theme = "dracula"
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ foothr = true # show or hide horizontal rule above footer
### $CURRENT_YEAR and $SITE_TITLE can be used anywhere within the copyright, you can change their position or you can also delete them and type whatever you want instead.
#copyright = false # set to false to disable the copyright.
copyright_override = '© 2013-$CURRENT_YEAR $SITE_TITLE'
#copyright_override = '© 2019-$CURRENT_YEAR $SITE_TITLE'
#copyright_override = '© $CURRENT_YEAR $SITE_TITLE • Website content is licensed <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">CC BY 4.0</a>.'
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ mastodon = "https://floss.social/@backslash"
#discord = "your-discord" # Everything after https://discord.com/ eg: invite/my-server *or* servers/my-server-id
#twitter = "your-user-name"
#facebook = "your-user-name"
linkedin = "harald-hoyer-631223217"
#linkedin = "your-user-name"
gitlab = "haraldh"
github = "haraldh"
#codeberg = "your-user-name" # Everything after https://codeberg.org/ eg: username *or* username/repository
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ js_bundle = true # multiple javascript files combined into a single file (settin
js_copycode = true # The copy button on code blocks that allows you to copy them to the clipboard.
js_email_encode = true # obfuscates email address in footer
js_prestyle = true # used to preload: FontAwesome, Katex, external Google Fonts
js_switcher = false # The button that allows manually changing between light/dark mode.
js_switcher = true # The button that allows manually changing between light/dark mode.
js_switcher_default = "dark" # default nojs switcher mode: dark, light (make sure to also set $switcherDefault in abridge.scss)
search_library = 'elasticlunr'