title = "Harald Hoyer" description = "Triple Faults for Debug" # The URL the site will be built for base_url = "https://harald.hoyer.xyz" # Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory compile_sass = true # Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library build_search_index = true theme = "zola-clean-blog" taxonomies = [ {name = "categories", rss = true, paginate_by=5}, {name = "tags", rss = true, paginate_by=5}, ] generate_feed = true feed_filename = "rss.xml" [markdown] # Whether to do syntax highlighting # Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola highlight_code = true render_emoji = true #highlight_theme = "dracula" #highlight_theme = "inspired-github" highlight_theme = "ir-white" #highlight_theme = "material-light" #highlight_theme = "base16-ocean-dark" extra_syntaxes_and_themes = [ "syntaxes", "syntaxes/Sublime-varlink", "syntaxes/Sublime-console", ] [extra] # Put all your custom variables here author = "Harald Hoyer" clean_blog_menu = [ {url = "/", name = "Home"}, {url = "https://photo-harald.hoyer.xyz/", name = "Photos"}, {url = "/impressum", name = "Impressum"}, ] clean_blog_social = [ # {url = "https://hoyer.xyz/profile/harald", icon="fab fa-mastodon"}, {url = "https://floss.social/@backslash", icon="fab fa-mastodon"}, {url = "https://github.com/haraldh", icon="fab fa-github"}, {url = "https://keybase.io/haraldhoyer/", icon="fab fa-keybase"}, {url = "/rss.xml", icon="fas fa-rss"} ]