const fs = require('fs'); const path = require("path"); const TOML = require('fast-toml'); const UglifyJS = require('uglify-js'); const jsonminify = require("jsonminify"); const replace = require('replace-in-file'); const util = require("util"); const { exec } = require("child_process"); const execPromise = util.promisify(exec); const tomlString = String(fs.readFileSync('config.toml')); const data = TOML.parse(tomlString); const js_prestyle = data.extra.js_prestyle; const js_switcher = data.extra.js_switcher; const js_email_encode = data.extra.js_email_encode; const js_copycode = data.extra.js_copycode; const search_library = data.extra.search_library; const index_format =; const uglyurls = data.extra.uglyurls; const js_bundle = data.extra.js_bundle; const offline = data.extra.offline; const online_url = data.extra.online_url; const online_indexformat = data.extra.online_indexformat; const pwa = data.extra.pwa; const pwa_VER = data.extra.pwa_VER; const pwa_NORM_TTL = data.extra.pwa_NORM_TTL; const pwa_LONG_TTL = data.extra.pwa_LONG_TTL; const pwa_TTL_NORM = data.extra.pwa_TTL_NORM; const pwa_TTL_LONG = data.extra.pwa_TTL_LONG; const pwa_TTL_EXEMPT = data.extra.pwa_TTL_EXEMPT; const pwa_cache_all = data.extra.pwa_cache_all; const pwa_BASE_CACHE_FILES = data.extra.pwa_BASE_CACHE_FILES; async function execWrapper(cmd) { const { stdout, stderr } = await execPromise(cmd); if (stdout) { console.log(stdout); } if (stderr) { console.log('Error: '+stderr); } } async function abridge() { if (offline === false) { replace.sync({files: 'config.toml', from: /base_url.*=.*/g, to: "base_url = \""+online_url+"\""}); replace.sync({files: 'config.toml', from: /index_format.*=.*/g, to: "index_format = \""+online_indexformat+"\""}); } else if (offline === true) { replace.sync({files: 'config.toml', from: /base_url.*=.*/g, to: "base_url = \""+__dirname+"\/public\""}); replace.sync({files: 'config.toml', from: /index_format.*=.*/g, to: "index_format = \"elasticlunr_javascript\""}); } console.log('Zola Build to generate files for minification:'); await execWrapper('zola build'); //check that static/js exists, do this after zola build, it will handle creating static if missing. var jsdir = 'static/js'; try { fs.mkdirSync(jsdir); } catch(e) { if (e.code != 'EEXIST') throw e; } // check if abridge is used directly or as a theme. bpath = ''; if (fs.existsSync('./themes')) { bpath = 'themes/abridge/'; } base_url = data.base_url; if (base_url.slice(-1) == "/") { base_url = base_url.slice(0, -1); } if (search_library === 'elasticlunr') { if (fs.existsSync('content/static/')) { replace.sync({files: 'content/static/', from: /draft.*=.*/g, to: "draft = true"}); } if (fs.existsSync('content/static/')) { replace.sync({files: 'content/static/', from: /draft.*=.*/g, to: "draft = true"}); } } else if (search_library === 'tinysearch') { if (!fs.existsSync('content/static/')) {// 'content/static/' file is missing, copy from abridge theme. fs.copyFileSync(bpath+'content/static/', 'content/static/',fs.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL); } if (fs.existsSync('content/static/')) { replace.sync({files: 'content/static/', from: /draft.*=.*/g, to: "draft = true"}); } if (fs.existsSync('content/static/')) { replace.sync({files: 'content/static/', from: /draft.*=.*/g, to: "draft = false"}); } // zola build && mkdir -p tmp && tinysearch --optimize --path tmp public/data_tinysearch/index.html && rsync -avz tmp/*.wasm static/ && rm -rf tmp } else if (search_library === 'stork') { if (!fs.existsSync('content/static/')) {// 'content/static/' file is missing, copy from abridge theme. fs.copyFileSync(bpath+'content/static/', 'content/static/',fs.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL); } if (fs.existsSync('content/static/')) { replace.sync({files: 'content/static/', from: /draft.*=.*/g, to: "draft = false"}); } if (fs.existsSync('content/static/')) { replace.sync({files: 'content/static/', from: /draft.*=.*/g, to: "draft = true"}); } // zola build && stork build --input public/data_stork/index.html --output static/ } if (pwa) {// Update pwa settings, file list, and hashes. // update from abridge theme. fs.copyFileSync(bpath+'static/sw.js', 'static/sw.js'); fs.copyFileSync(bpath+'static/js/sw_load.js', 'static/js/sw_load.js'); // Update settings in PWA javascript file, using options parsed from config.toml. sw.min.js?v=3.10.0", "++" if (fs.existsSync('static/js/sw_load.js')) { sw_load_min = '.js?v='; if (js_bundle) { sw_load_min = '.min.js?v='; } replace.sync({files: 'static/js/sw_load.js', from: /sw.*v=.*/g, to: "sw"+sw_load_min+pwa_VER+"\","}); } if (fs.existsSync('static/sw.js')) { replace.sync({files: 'static/sw.js', from: /NORM_TTL.*=.*/g, to: "NORM_TTL = "+pwa_NORM_TTL+";"}); replace.sync({files: 'static/sw.js', from: /LONG_TTL.*=.*/g, to: "LONG_TTL = "+pwa_LONG_TTL+";"}); replace.sync({files: 'static/sw.js', from: /TTL_NORM.*=.*/g, to: "TTL_NORM = ["+pwa_TTL_NORM+"];"}); replace.sync({files: 'static/sw.js', from: /TTL_LONG.*=.*/g, to: "TTL_LONG = ["+pwa_TTL_LONG+"];"}); replace.sync({files: 'static/sw.js', from: /TTL_EXEMPT.*=.*/g, to: "TTL_EXEMPT = ["+pwa_TTL_EXEMPT+"];"}); } if (pwa_cache_all) { // Generate array from the list of files, for the entire site. var dir = 'public'; try { fs.mkdirSync(dir); } catch(e) { if (e.code != 'EEXIST') throw e; } const path = './public/'; cache = 'this.BASE_CACHE_FILES = ['; files = fs.readdirSync(path, { recursive: true, withFileTypes: false }) .forEach( (file) => { // check if is directory, if not then add the path/file if (!fs.lstatSync(path+file).isDirectory()) { // format output item = "/"+file.replace(/index\.html$/i,'');// strip index.html from path item = item.replace(/^\/sw(\.min)?\.js/i,'');// dont cache service worker // if formatted output is not empty line then append it to cache var if (item != '') {// skip empty lines cache = cache+"'"+item+"',"; } } } ); cache = cache.slice(0, -1)+'];'// remove the last comma and close the array } else if (pwa_BASE_CACHE_FILES) { cache = 'this.BASE_CACHE_FILES = ['+pwa_BASE_CACHE_FILES+'];'; } // update the BASE_CACHE_FILES variable in the sw.js service worker file results = replace.sync({ files: 'static/sw.js', from: /this\.BASE_CACHE_FILES =.*/g, to: cache, countMatches: true, }); } if (bpath === '') {// abridge used directly // These are truely static js files, so they should only need to be updated by abridge maintainer or contributors. minify(['static/js/theme.js']); minify(['static/js/theme_light.js']); minify(['static/js/katex.min.js','static/js/mathtex-script-type.min.js','static/js/katex-auto-render.min.js','static/js/katexoptions.js'],'static/js/katexbundle.min.js'); minify(['static/js/elasticlunr.min.js','static/js/search.js'],'static/js/search_elasticlunr.min.js'); minify(['static/js/stork.js','static/js/stork_config.js'],'static/js/search_stork.min.js'); minify(['static/js/tinysearch.js'],'static/js/search_tinysearch.min.js'); minify(['static/js/prestyle.js','static/js/theme_button.js','static/js/email.js','static/js/codecopy.js','static/js/sw_load.js'],'static/js/abridge_nosearch.min.js'); minify(['static/js/prestyle.js','static/js/theme_button.js','static/js/email.js','static/js/codecopy.js'],'static/js/abridge_nosearch_nopwa.min.js'); minify(['static/js/sw_load.js']); minify(['static/sw.js']); } else if (pwa) { minify(['static/js/sw_load.js']); minify(['static/sw.js']); } // if manifest.json is present, then minify it. if (fs.existsSync('static/manifest.json')) { let out; try { out = JSON.minify(fs.readFileSync('static/manifest.json', {encoding:"utf-8"})); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } fs.writeFileSync('static/manifest.min.json', out); } abridge_bundle = bundle(bpath,js_prestyle,js_switcher,js_email_encode,js_copycode,search_library,index_format,uglyurls,false); minify(abridge_bundle,'static/js/abridge_nopwa.min.js'); abridge_bundle = bundle(bpath,js_prestyle,js_switcher,js_email_encode,js_copycode,search_library,index_format,uglyurls,pwa); minify(abridge_bundle,'static/js/abridge.min.js'); console.log('Zola Build to generate new integrity hashes for the previously minified files:'); await execWrapper('zola build'); } function bundle(bpath,js_prestyle,js_switcher,js_email_encode,js_copycode,search_library,index_format,uglyurls,pwa) { minify_files = []; if (js_prestyle) { minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/prestyle.js'); } if (js_switcher) { minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/theme_button.js'); } if (js_email_encode) { minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/email.js'); } if (js_copycode) { minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/codecopy.js'); } if (search_library) { if ((search_library === 'elasticlunr' && offline === true) || (search_library === 'elasticlunr' && index_format === 'elasticlunr_javascript' && uglyurls === true)) { minify_files.push('public/search_index.en.js'); minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/elasticlunr.min.js'); minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/searchjavaugly.js'); } else if (search_library === 'elasticlunr' && index_format === 'elasticlunr_javascript') { minify_files.push('public/search_index.en.js'); minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/elasticlunr.min.js'); minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/searchjava.js'); } else if (search_library === 'elasticlunr') {//abridge default minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/elasticlunr.min.js'); minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/search.js'); } else if (search_library === 'stork') { minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/stork.js'); minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/stork_config.js'); } else if (search_library === 'tinysearch') { minify_files.push(bpath+'static/js/tinysearch.js'); } } if (pwa) { minify_files.push('static/js/sw_load.js'); } return minify_files; } function minify(fileA,outfile) { const options = { mangle: true, compress: { //expression: true,//Parse a single expression, rather than a program (for parsing JSON). //global_defs: false,// a way to pass parameters //module: true,//Process input as ES module (implies --toplevel) //toplevel: true,//Compress and/or mangle variables in top level scope. hoist_funs: true,//hoist function declarations unsafe: true, unsafe_comps: true, unsafe_Function: true, unsafe_math: true, unsafe_proto: true, unsafe_regexp: true, unsafe_undefined: true, drop_console: true } } if (!outfile) {// outfile parameter omitted, infer based on input outfile = fileA[0].slice(0,-2)+'min.js'; } var filesContents = (file) {// array input to support multiple files return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); }); result = UglifyJS.minify(filesContents, options); fs.writeFileSync(outfile, result.code); } abridge();