%YAML 1.2 # [Sublime]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html # [Bash]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html --- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: console scope: source.shell.console file_extensions: - sh - bash - zsh - ash - .bash_aliases - .bash_completions - .bash_functions - .bash_login - .bash_logout - .bash_profile - .bash_variables - .bashrc - .profile - .textmate_init - .zlogin - .zlogout - .zprofile - .zshenv - .zshrc - PKGBUILD # https://jlk.fjfi.cvut.cz/arch/manpages/man/PKGBUILD.5 - .ebuild - .eclass #first_line_match: | # (?x) # ^\#! .* \b(bash|zsh|sh|tcsh|ash)\b # | ^\# \s* -\*- [^*]* mode: \s* shell-script [^*]* -\*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- variables: call_token: \./ cmd_boundary: (?=\s|;|$|>|<) extension: \.sh identifier: '[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*' identifier_non_posix: '[^{{metachar}}\d][^{{metachar}}=]*' is_command: (?=\S) is_end_of_interpolation: \) is_end_of_option: '[^\w$-]|$' is_function: \s*\b(function)\s+|(?=\s*{{identifier_non_posix}}\s*\(\s*\)) is_path_component: (?=[^\s/]*/) is_start_of_arguments: '[`=|&;()<>\s]' is_variable: (?=\s*{{nbc}}(?:[({]{{nbc}}[)}])?{{nbc}}=) keyword_break: (?![-=\w]) # A character that, when unquoted, separates words. A metacharacter is a # space, tab, newline, or one of the following characters: ‘|’, ‘&’, ‘;’, # ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘<’, or ‘>’. metachar: '[\s\t\n|&;()<>]' nbc: '[^{}()=\s]*' # non bracket characters (and also non-whitespace, parens) start_of_option: (?:\s+|^)--?(?=[\w$]) varassign: '[+\-?]?=' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contexts: comment: - match: (?:^\s*|\s+)(\#) captures: 1: comment.line.number-sign.shell punctuation.definition.comment.begin.shell push: - meta_content_scope: comment.line.number-sign.shell # NOTE: The reason for consuming the newline character is as follows. # When triggering a snippet, its scope is tested to the *right* of the # cursor. So, if you don't want your snippet to trigger in a comment, # you have to use something like source.shell - comment. # If the newline character is not scoped as a comment too, then that # scope will never work, because the scope to the right of the cursor # will never be a comment scope. That is, unless we consume the newline # character (or we are editing something in the middle of an existing # comment). - match: '(?=\n)' scope: comment.line.number-sign.shell pop: true line-continuation-or-pop-at-end: - include: pop-at-end - include: line-continuation pop-at-end: - match: $ pop: true any-escape: - match: \\. scope: constant.character.escape.shell line-continuation: - match: \\\n scope: punctuation.separator.continuation.line.shell push: - match: ^ pop: true - match: \\(\s+)\n captures: 1: invalid.illegal.extraneous-spaces-after-line-continuation.shell prototype: - include: comment - include: line-continuation - include: any-escape main: - meta_include_prototype: false - match: ^(\$|\#|❯)(?:\s) captures: 1: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.process.shell push: console-line console-line: - include: prototype - include: funcdef - include: vardef - include: redirection - include: operator-exclamation - match: '{{is_command}}' push: cmd - match: $ pop: true # NOTE: Contexts with a "-bt" suffix are the "backtick" contexts. They mirror # the ordinary contexts, except that when a backtick is encountered while in # a "-bt" context, we pop. # Normally, we are in a non-bt context. When we encounter a backtick character # (the ` character), we enter the main-bt context. Popping when encountering # another ` character then ensures that we don't enter yet another backtick # context. # The "expansion" context is the **only** place where this main-bt context is # used. If you, the reader, knows of a more elegant way to handle backticks, # don't hesitate to change it. main-bt: - include: funcdef-bt - include: vardef - include: redirection - match: '{{is_command}}' push: cmd-bt control: - match: \bif{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.if.shell pop: true - match: \bthen{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.then.shell pop: true - match: \belif{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.elseif.shell pop: true - match: \bfi{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.end.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args] - match: \belse{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.else.shell pop: true - match: \bfor{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.loop.for.shell set: [cmd-post, for-args] - match: \bdo{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.loop.do.shell pop: true - match: \bdone{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.loop.end.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args] - match: \bwhile{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.loop.while.shell - match: \buntil{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.loop.until.shell - match: \bcase{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.case.shell set: [case-body, case-word] - match: \bcontinue{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.flow.continue.shell - match: \bbreak{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.flow.break.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args] - match: \besac{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.end.shell pop: true case-word: - match: \bin{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.in.shell pop: true - include: case-end-ahead - include: expansion-and-string case-body: - meta_scope: meta.conditional.case.shell - match: \besac{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.conditional.end.shell pop: true - match: (?=\() push: - clear_scopes: 1 # remove meta.conditional.case.shell - match: \( scope: keyword.control.conditional.patterns.begin.shell set: case-clause-patterns - match: (?=\S) push: case-clause-patterns case-clause-patterns: - clear_scopes: 1 # remove meta.conditional.case.shell - meta_scope: meta.conditional.case.clause.patterns.shell - match: \) scope: keyword.control.conditional.patterns.end.shell set: case-clause-commands # emergency bail outs if ')' is missing - match: (?=;;&?|;&) set: case-clause-commands - include: case-end-ahead - include: case-clause-patterns-body case-clause-patterns-body: # [Bash] Each pattern undergoes tilde expansion, parameter # expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion. - include: expansion-pattern - include: expansion-tilde - include: expansion-parameter - include: expansion-command - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: string - match: \| scope: keyword.operator.logical.shell - match: \( scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell push: - match: \) scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - include: case-clause-patterns-body case-clause-commands: - clear_scopes: 1 # remove meta.conditional.case.shell - meta_content_scope: meta.conditional.case.clause.commands.shell - match: ;;&?|;& scope: meta.conditional.case.clause.commands.shell punctuation.terminator.case.clause.shell pop: true - include: case-end-ahead - include: main case-end-ahead: - match: (?=\besac{{keyword_break}}) pop: true # I don't think anybody will write a for-loop inside backticks. Hence no # for-args-bt context. for-args: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.group.for.shell - include: cmd-args-boilerplate - include: arithmetic - match: \bin{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.control.in.shell expansion-and-string: - include: string - include: expansion funcdef: - match: '{{is_function}}' captures: 1: storage.type.function.shell push: [funcdef-body, funcdef-parens, funcdef-name] - match: \bcoproc{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.other.coproc.shell push: [cmd-post, cmd-args, coproc-body] funcdef-bt: - match: '{{is_function}}' captures: 1: storage.type.function.shell push: [funcdef-body-bt, funcdef-parens, funcdef-name] - match: \bcoproc{{keyword_break}} scope: keyword.other.coproc.shell push: [cmd-post, cmd-args-bt, coproc-body] coproc-body: - match: \s*(?=\S+\s*\{) set: - meta_content_scope: entity.name.function.coproc.shell - match: (?=\s*\{) set: - match: \{ scope: punctuation.section.braces.begin.shell set: - meta_scope: meta.function.coproc.shell - match: \} scope: punctuation.section.braces.end.shell pop: true - include: main - match: "" set: main-with-pop-at-end funcdef-name: - match: \s* set: - meta_content_scope: entity.name.function.shell - match: (?=\s*[({]|$) pop: true funcdef-parens: - match: (\()\s*(\)) captures: 1: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell 2: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell - match: \{ scope: punctuation.section.braces.begin.shell pop: true - match: \( scope: punctuation.definition.compound.begin.shell pop: true funcdef-body: - meta_scope: meta.function.shell - match: \} scope: punctuation.section.braces.end.shell pop: true - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.compound.end.shell pop: true - include: main funcdef-body-bt: - meta_scope: meta.function.shell - match: \} scope: punctuation.section.braces.end.shell pop: true - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.compound.end.shell pop: true - include: main-bt vardef: - match: \s*\b(alias){{keyword_break}} captures: 1: support.function.alias.shell push: - vardef-ensure-function-call-scope - vardef-maybe-more - vardef-value - vardef-assign - vardef-alias-name - vardef-alias-options - match: \s*\b(typeset|declare|local){{keyword_break}} captures: 1: storage.modifier.shell push: - vardef-ensure-function-call-scope - vardef-maybe-more - vardef-value - vardef-assign - vardef-name - vardef-declare-options - match: \s*\b(export){{keyword_break}} captures: 1: storage.modifier.shell push: - vardef-ensure-function-call-scope - vardef-maybe-more - vardef-value - vardef-assign - vardef-name - vardef-export-options - match: \s*\b(readonly){{keyword_break}} captures: 1: storage.modifier.shell push: - vardef-ensure-function-call-scope - vardef-maybe-more - vardef-value - vardef-assign - vardef-name - vardef-readonly-options - match: '{{is_variable}}' push: - vardef-value - vardef-assign - vardef-name vardef-readonly-options: - match: \s*((-)(?:[aAf]+|p)) captures: 2: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell 1: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: \s* pop: true vardef-export-options: - match: \s*((-)(?:[fn]+|p)) captures: 2: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell 1: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: \s* pop: true vardef-ensure-function-call-scope: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: meta.function-call.shell - match: "" pop: true vardef-maybe-more: - meta_include_prototype: false - match: (?=`) pop: true - match: (?=\s*#) pop: true - include: cmd-args-boilerplate - match: (?=\S) push: [vardef-value, vardef-assign, vardef-name] vardef-alias-options: - match: \s*((-)p) captures: 2: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell 1: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: \s* pop: true vardef-alias-name: - match: \s* set: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_content_scope: entity.name.function.alias.shell - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end - include: any-escape - match: (?={{varassign}}|\s)|$ pop: true - include: array - match: \s*$ pop: true - include: string vardef-declare-options: - match: \s*((-)(?:[aAfFgilnrtux]+|p)) captures: 2: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell 1: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: \s* pop: true vardef-name: - match: \s* set: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_content_scope: variable.other.readwrite.assignment.shell - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end - include: any-escape - match: (?={{varassign}}|\s)|$|(?=[;&`]|{{metachar}}) pop: true - include: array - match: \s*$ pop: true - include: string vardef-assign: - meta_include_prototype: false - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end - include: any-escape - match: '{{varassign}}' scope: keyword.operator.assignment.shell pop: true - match: "" pop: true vardef-value: - meta_include_prototype: false - match: \( scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell set: - match: \) scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - match: \[ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.shell push: - match: \] scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.shell set: - match: = scope: keyword.operator.assignment.shell pop: true - match: "" pop: true - include: expansion-and-string - include: expansion-and-string - match: (?=[&`]) pop: true - match: "" set: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.unquoted.shell - match: (?=`) pop: true - include: expansion-and-string - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end - include: any-escape - match: (?={{metachar}}) pop: true redirection: - include: redirection-here-string - include: redirection-here-document - include: redirection-process - include: redirection-input - include: redirection-output - include: redirection-inout redirection-process: - match: (\d*)([<>])(\() captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.process.shell 3: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell push: - match: \) scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - include: main redirection-output: - match: (\d*)(>>!?|>&?|&>|&?>(?:\||>)) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell push: redirection-post redirection-input: - match: (\d*)(<&?) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell push: redirection-post redirection-post: - match: \s*(?:(\d+)|(-)) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: punctuation.terminator.file-descriptor.shell pop: true - match: \s*(?=\S) set: - match: (?={{metachar}}|`) pop: true - include: expansion-and-string - match: \s* pop: true redirection-inout: - match: (\d*)(<>) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell redirection-here-string: - match: (\d*)(<<<)\s captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.herestring.shell redirection-here-document: # These are the variants that allow tabs before the end token - match: (\d*)(<<-)\s*(')({{identifier}})(') captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell 4: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell 5: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell push: [heredocs-body-allow-tabs-no-expansion, heredocs-preamble] - match: (\d*)(<<-)\s*(")({{identifier}})(") captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell 4: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell 5: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell push: [heredocs-body-allow-tabs-no-expansion, heredocs-preamble] - match: (\d*)(<<-)\s*(\\)({{identifier}}) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: punctuation.definition.string.shell 4: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell push: [heredocs-body-allow-tabs-no-expansion, heredocs-preamble] - match: (\d*)(<<-)\s*({{identifier}}) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell push: [heredocs-body-allow-tabs, heredocs-preamble] # These are the variants that DON'T allow tabs before the end token - match: (\d*)(<<)\s*(')({{identifier}})(') captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell 4: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell 5: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell push: [heredocs-body-no-expansion, heredocs-preamble] - match: (\d*)(<<)\s*(")({{identifier}})(") captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell 4: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell 5: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell push: [heredocs-body-no-expansion, heredocs-preamble] - match: (\d*)(<<)\s*(\\)({{identifier}}) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: punctuation.definition.string.shell 4: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell push: [heredocs-body-no-expansion, heredocs-preamble] - match: (\d*)(<<)\s*({{identifier}}) captures: 1: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.file-descriptor.shell 2: keyword.operator.assignment.redirection.shell 3: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell push: [heredocs-body, heredocs-preamble] heredocs-body: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.unquoted.heredoc.shell - include: heredocs-body-common-with-expansion - match: ^\3(\s+)\n # the third capture from redirection-here-document captures: 1: invalid.illegal.no-spaces-allowed-after-heredoc-token.shell # rather not pop, but sublime throws an error otherwise. pop: true - match: ^\3$ # the third capture from redirection-here-document scope: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell pop: true heredocs-body-allow-tabs: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.unquoted.heredoc.shell - include: heredocs-body-common-with-expansion - match: ^\s*\3(\s+)\n # the third capture from redirection-here-document captures: 1: invalid.illegal.no-spaces-allowed-after-heredoc-token.shell # rather not pop, but sublime throws an error otherwise. pop: true - match: ^\s*(\3)$ # the third capture from redirection-here-document captures: 1: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell pop: true heredocs-body-common-with-expansion: # [Bash] 3.6.6: all lines of the here-document are subjected to parameter # expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion, the character # sequence \newline is ignored, and ‘\’ must be used to quote the # characters ‘\’, ‘$’, and ‘`’. - match: \\[`$"\\] scope: constant.character.escape.backtick.shell - include: expansion-parameter - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: expansion-command heredocs-body-no-expansion: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.unquoted.heredoc.shell - match: ^\4(\s+)\n # the fourth capture from redirection-here-document captures: 1: invalid.illegal.no-spaces-allowed-after-heredoc-token.shell # rather not pop, but sublime throws an error otherwise. pop: true - match: ^\4$ # the fourth capture from redirection-here-document scope: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell pop: true heredocs-body-allow-tabs-no-expansion: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.unquoted.heredoc.shell - match: ^\s*\4(\s+)\n # the fourth capture from redirection-here-document captures: 1: invalid.illegal.no-spaces-allowed-after-heredoc-token.shell # rather not pop, but sublime throws an error otherwise. pop: true - match: ^\s*(\4)$ # the fourth capture from redirection-here-document captures: 1: keyword.control.heredoc-token.shell pop: true heredocs-preamble: - match: "" set: # This enables us to keep parsing on the line where the start token of # the heredoc is. Once the first line has ended, we enter the body of # the heredoc, where everything is just an unquoted string. # One clear_scope for the string.unquoted. # The problem with this is that when we also end a function definition # on the same line (with the "}" token), we cannot do that. - clear_scopes: 1 - match: $ pop: true - match: \s*(?=\S) push: [main-with-pop-at-end, cmd-post, cmd-args] main-with-pop-at-end: - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end - include: main cmd-name-common: - match: (?=}|\s+#|\s*(?:[|;]|&(?!>))) pop: true - include: string - include: expansion-parameter - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: expansion-command - include: expansion-tilde - include: expansion-job - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end cmd-args-common: - match: (?=}|\s+#) pop: true - include: redirection - match: (?=\s*([|;]|&(?!>))) pop: true - include: expansion-and-string - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end cmd-post: # looks like [main, cmd-post] at this point - match: ;(?![;&]) scope: keyword.operator.logical.continue.shell pop: true - match: \|\| scope: keyword.operator.logical.or.shell pop: true - match: \| scope: keyword.operator.logical.pipe.shell pop: true - match: \&\& scope: keyword.operator.logical.and.shell pop: true - match: \& scope: keyword.operator.logical.job.shell pop: true - match: $|(?=\S) pop: true cmd-args-boilerplate: - match: (?={{is_end_of_interpolation}}) pop: true - include: cmd-args-common - match: (?:\s+|^)--(?=\s|$) scope: keyword.operator.end-of-options.shell set: - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - include: end-of-options-common cmd-args-boilerplate-bt: - match: (?={{is_end_of_interpolation}}|`) # <-------------- extra backtick pop: true - include: cmd-args-common - match: (?:\s+|^)--(?=\s|$) scope: keyword.operator.end-of-options.shell set: - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - match: (?=`) # <-------------------------------------- extra backtick pop: true - include: end-of-options-common end-of-options-common: - include: redirection - match: (?=[)};&|]) pop: true - include: expansion-and-string - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end cmd-args: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - include: cmd-args-boilerplate - match: '{{start_of_option}}' scope: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell push: - meta_scope: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: (?==) set: - match: = scope: keyword.operator.assignment.option.shell pop: true - match: (?={{is_end_of_option}}) pop: true - include: expansion-and-string cmd-args-bt: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - include: cmd-args-boilerplate-bt - match: '{{start_of_option}}' scope: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell push: - meta_scope: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: (?==) set: - match: = scope: keyword.operator.assignment.option.shell pop: true - match: (?={{is_end_of_option}}|`) # <------------- extra backtick pop: true - include: expansion-and-string cmd: - include: cmd-common - match: \( scope: punctuation.definition.compound.begin.shell push: - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.compound.end.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args] - include: main - include: scope:commands.builtin.shell.bash#main - match: \blet\b scope: support.function.let.bash push: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.shell - match: $ pop: true - include: expression - match: (\[\[)(?=\s) captures: 1: support.function.double-brace.begin.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-test-double-brace-args] - match: (\[)(?=\s) captures: 1: support.function.test.begin.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-test-brace-args] - match: (\{)(?=\s) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.compound.braces.begin.shell push: - match: \} scope: punctuation.definition.compound.braces.end.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args] - include: main - match: (?=\S) set: [cmd-post, cmd-args, cmd-name] cmd-bt: - include: cmd-common - match: \( scope: punctuation.definition.compound.begin.shell push: - match: \) scope: punctuation.definition.compound.end.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args-bt] - include: main - include: scope:commands.builtin.shell.bash#main-bt - match: \blet\b scope: support.function.let.bash push: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.shell - match: $|(?=\`) pop: true - include: expression - match: (\[\[)(?=\s) captures: 1: support.function.double-brace.begin.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-test-double-brace-args-bt] - match: (\[)(?=\s) captures: 1: support.function.test.begin.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-test-brace-args-bt] - match: (\{)(?=\s) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.compound.braces.begin.shell push: - match: \} scope: punctuation.definition.compound.braces.end.shell set: [cmd-post, cmd-args-bt] - include: main-bt - match: (?=\S) set: [cmd-post, cmd-args-bt, cmd-name-bt] cmd-test-brace-args: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - include: cmd-args-boilerplate - match: \s+(\]) captures: 1: support.function.test.end.shell pop: true - include: expression-test cmd-test-brace-args-bt: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - include: cmd-args-boilerplate-bt - match: \s+(\]) captures: 1: support.function.test.end.shell pop: true - include: expression-test cmd-test-double-brace-args: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - match: \s+(\]\]) captures: 1: support.function.double-brace.end.shell pop: true - include: expression-test # - include: cmd-args-boilerplate cmd-test-double-brace-args-bt: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.shell - match: \s+(\]\]) captures: 1: support.function.double-brace.end.shell pop: true - include: expression-test # - include: cmd-args-boilerplate-bt cmd-name: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.shell variable.function.shell - match: (?={{is_start_of_arguments}}|{{is_end_of_interpolation}}) pop: true - include: cmd-name-common cmd-name-bt: - match: "" set: - meta_scope: meta.function-call.shell variable.function.shell # extra backtick - match: (?={{is_start_of_arguments}}|{{is_end_of_interpolation}}|`) pop: true - include: cmd-name-common cmd-common: - include: control - include: arithmetic - match: (?=\)|}) pop: true - include: line-continuation-or-pop-at-end arithmetic: - match: \(\((?=.+\)\)) scope: punctuation.section.arithmetic.begin.shell push: - meta_scope: meta.group.arithmetic.shell - match: \)\) scope: punctuation.section.arithmetic.end.shell pop: true - include: expression expansion-tilde: - match: '~' scope: meta.group.expansion.tilde variable.language.tilde.shell expansion-brace: - match: \{ scope: punctuation.section.expansion.brace.begin.shell push: - meta_scope: meta.group.expansion.brace.shell - match: \} scope: punctuation.section.expansion.brace.end.shell pop: true - match: \, scope: punctuation.separator.shell - include: expansion-and-string expansion-parameter: - match: (\$)(\{) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.shell 2: punctuation.section.expansion.parameter.begin.shell push: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - meta_include_prototype: false - match: \! scope: keyword.operator.indirection.shell set: expansion-parameter-post-first-character - match: \# scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.shell set: expansion-parameter-post-first-character - match: "" set: expansion-parameter-post-first-character - match: (\$)(\d) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.shell 2: variable.other.readwrite.shell - match: (\$)([$#@!~*?_-])(?!\w) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.shell 2: variable.language.shell - match: (\$)({{identifier}}) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.shell 2: variable.other.readwrite.shell expansion-pattern: - match: ([?*+@!])(\() captures: 1: keyword.operator.regexp.quantifier.shell 2: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell push: - match: \) scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - match: \| scope: keyword.operator.logical.or.shell - include: expansion-and-string - match: '[*?]' scope: keyword.operator.regexp.quantifier.shell - match: \[(?=.*]) scope: keyword.control.regexp.set.begin.shell push: - match: (?=]) set: expansion-pattern-post-first-char - match: '[!^]' scope: keyword.operator.logical.not.shell set: expansion-pattern-post-first-char - match: \- set: expansion-pattern-post-first-char - match: "" set: expansion-pattern-post-first-char expansion-pattern-post-first-char: - match: (?:-)?(\]) captures: 1: keyword.control.regexp.set.end.shell pop: true - match: \- scope: keyword.operator.word.shell - match: (\.)[[:word:]](\.) captures: 1: punctuation.separator.collate.begin.shell 2: punctuation.separator.collate.end.shell - match: (=)[[:word:]](=) captures: 1: punctuation.separator.equivalence-class.begin.shell 2: punctuation.separator.equivalence-class.end.shell - match: (:)[[:lower:]]+(:) captures: 1: punctuation.separator.character-class.begin.shell 2: punctuation.separator.character-class.end.shell # You cannot have a regex set inside a regex set, so just consume this # character in order to not push into another regex set. # Except when writing a character class like [:lower:], so negative look # ahead for that possibility. - match: \[(?![\.=:]) - include: expansion-and-string expansion-arithmetic: - match: (\$)(\(\()(?=.+\)\)) captures: 1: punctuation.definition.variable.shell 2: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell push: - meta_scope: meta.group.expansion.arithmetic.shell - match: \)\) scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - include: expression expansion-command: - match: (\$)(\() captures: 1: punctuation.definition.variable.shell 2: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell push: - meta_scope: meta.group.expansion.command.parens.shell - match: \s*(\)) captures: 1: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - include: main - match: \` scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.shell push: - meta_scope: meta.group.expansion.command.backticks.shell - match: \` scope: punctuation.section.group.end.shell pop: true - include: main-bt # all those *-bt contexts just for this!!!! expansion: - include: expansion-pattern - include: expansion-parameter - include: expansion-brace - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: expansion-command - include: expansion-tilde - include: expansion-job expansion-parameter-common: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: \} scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell punctuation.section.expansion.parameter.end.shell pop: true - include: string - include: expansion-parameter # no brace expansion - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: expansion-command - include: expansion-tilde # no pattern expansion - include: any-escape array: - match: \[ scope: punctuation.section.braces.begin.shell push: - match: \] scope: punctuation.section.braces.end.shell pop: true - match: '[*@]' scope: variable.language.array.shell - include: expression expansion-parameter-post-first-character: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell variable.other.readwrite.shell - include: expansion-parameter-common - match: (?=[@*]?/) set: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: ([@*])?(/) captures: 1: variable.language.shell 2: keyword.operator.substitution.shell set: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: '[/#%]' scope: variable.parameter.switch.shell set: expansion-parameter-pattern - match: "" set: expansion-parameter-pattern - match: (?=\:?[-+=?]) set: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: \:?[-+=?] scope: keyword.operator.assignment.shell set: expansion-parameter-common - match: (?=@?:) set: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: '(@)?(:)' captures: 1: variable.language.shell 2: keyword.operator.substring.begin.shell set: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: (?=:) set: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: ":" scope: keyword.operator.substring.end.shell set: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - include: expression - include: expansion-parameter-common - include: expression - include: expansion-parameter-common - match: \#(?=}) - match: ([@*])?(\#\#?|%%?|\^\^?|,,?) captures: 1: variable.language.shell 2: keyword.operator.expansion.shell set: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - include: expansion-parameter-common - include: expansion-pattern - match: ([@*]?)(@)([QEPAa])(?=}) captures: 1: variable.language.shell 2: keyword.operator.expansion.shell 3: variable.parameter.switch.shell - include: array - match: '[*@](?=})' scope: variable.language.shell expansion-parameter-pattern: - meta_content_scope: meta.group.expansion.parameter.shell - match: / scope: keyword.operator.substitution.shell set: expansion-parameter-common - include: expansion-parameter-common - include: expansion-pattern expansion-job: # There are a number of ways to refer to a job in the shell. # The symbols ‘%%’ and ‘%+’ refer to the shell’s notion of the current job, # which is the last job stopped while it was in the foreground or started in # the background. The previous job may be referenced using ‘%-’. - match: (%)([%+-]) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.job.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.job.shell 2: variable.language.job.shell # The character ‘%’ introduces a job specification (jobspec). Job number n # may be referred to as ‘%n’. - match: (%)(\d+) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.job.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.job.shell 2: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.job.shell # A job may also be referred to using a prefix of the name used to start it, # or using a substring that appears in its command line. For example, ‘%ce’ # refers to a stopped ce job. Using ‘%?ce’, on the other hand, refers to any # job containing the string ‘ce’ in its command line. If the prefix or # substring matches more than one job, Bash reports an error. - match: (%)(\??)(\w+) captures: 0: meta.group.expansion.job.shell 1: punctuation.definition.variable.job.shell 2: keyword.operator.regexp.quantifier.shell 3: variable.other.readwrite.shell # A single ‘%’ (with no accompanying job specification) also refers to the # current job. - match: '%' scope: meta.group.expansion.job.shell punctuation.definition.variable.job.shell expression: # A leading ‘0x’ or ‘0X’ denotes hexadecimal. - match: \b0[xX] scope: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.shell push: - meta_scope: constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.shell - match: '[g-zG-Z]' scope: invalid.illegal.not-a-hex-character.shell pop: true - match: (?=\H) pop: true # Constants with a leading 0 are interpreted as octal numbers. - match: \b0(?=[0-7]) scope: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.shell push: - meta_scope: constant.numeric.integer.octal.shell - match: '[89]' scope: invalid.illegal.not-an-octal-character.shell pop: true - match: (?=[^0-7]) pop: true # Otherwise, numbers take the form [base#]n, where the optional base is a # decimal number between 2 and 64 representing the arithmetic base, and n is # a number in that base. When specifying n, the digits greater than 9 are # represented by the lowercase letters, the uppercase letters, ‘@’, and ‘_’, # in that order. - match: \b(\d+#)[a-zA-Z0-9@_]+ scope: constant.numeric.integer.other.shell captures: 1: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.shell # If base# is omitted, then base 10 is used. - match: \b\d+ scope: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.shell - match: '[*/%+\-&^|]?=|<<=|>>=' scope: keyword.operator.assignment.shell - match: \+\+?|\-\-?|\*\*?|%|/ scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.shell - match: <[=<]?|>[=>]?|[=!]=|&&|\:|\|\||! scope: keyword.operator.logical.shell - match: '[&|^~]' scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.shell - match: '[,;]' scope: punctuation.separator.shell - match: \? scope: keyword.operator.ternary.shell - match: \( scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.shell push: - meta_scope: meta.group.parens.shell - match: \) scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.shell pop: true - include: expression # Shell variables are allowed as operands; parameter expansion is performed # before the expression is evaluated. Within an expression, shell variables # may also be referenced by name without using the parameter expansion # syntax. - include: string - include: expansion-parameter - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: expansion-command expression-test: - include: expansion-and-string - match: ((-)[aobcdefghknoprstuvwxzGLNORS])(?=\s) captures: 2: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell 1: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: ((-)(?:ef|nt|ot|eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge))(?=\s) captures: 2: punctuation.definition.parameter.shell 1: variable.parameter.option.shell - match: (=~)\s* captures: 1: keyword.operator.logical.shell push: - meta_content_scope: meta.regexp.shell - match: (?=\s) pop: true - include: expansion-and-string - match: ==?|!=?|<|>|\|\||&& scope: keyword.operator.logical.shell operator-exclamation: - match: \!(?!\S) scope: keyword.operator.logical.shell - match: (\!)(-?\d+|!) scope: variable.language.history.shell captures: 1: punctuation.definition.history.shell - match: \! scope: punctuation.definition.history.shell string: - include: string-quoted-double - include: string-quoted-single - include: string-ansi-c - include: string-locale # nothing is escaped in a singly-quoted string! string-quoted-single: - match: \' scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell push: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.shell - match: \' scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell pop: true string-quoted-double: - match: \" scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell push: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.shell - include: string-quoted-double-common string-quoted-double-escape-character: - match: \\[$`"\\] scope: constant.character.escape.shell - match: \\\n scope: constant.character.escape.shell push: - meta_include_prototype: false - match: (?=\S) pop: true # [Bash] string-ansi-c: - match: \$' scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell push: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.ansi-c.shell - match: "'" scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell pop: true - include: string-quoted-double-escape-character - match: \\([abfnrtv'"?]|[0-8]{1,3}|x\h{1,8}|c[a-z]) scope: constant.character.escape.shell # [Bash] # If the string is translated and replaced, the replacement is double-quoted. string-locale: - match: \$" scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell push: - meta_include_prototype: false - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.locale.shell - include: string-quoted-double-common string-quoted-double-common: - match: \" scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.shell pop: true - include: string-quoted-double-escape-character - include: expansion-parameter - include: expansion-arithmetic - include: expansion-command