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2023-11-06 12:19:52 +01:00

363 lines
20 KiB

author = "Harald Hoyer"
title = "Harald Hoyer"
description = "Triple Faults for Debug"
# The URL the site will be built for
base_url = "https://harald.hoyer.xyz"
# Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
compile_sass = true
# Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
build_search_index = true
theme = "abridge"
taxonomies = [
{name = "tags", feed = true, paginate_by=10},
generate_feed = true
feed_filename = "rss.xml"
[search] # Options specific to elasticlunr search.
# index format can be: elasticlunr_json or elasticlunr_javascript
index_format = "elasticlunr_json"
include_title = true # include title of page/section in index
include_description = true # include description of page/section in index
include_content = true # include rendered content of page/section in index
# truncate_content_length = 100 # Truncate at nth character. May be useful if index is getting too large.
highlight_code = true
#highlight_theme = "css"
render_emoji = false
external_links_target_blank = true # rel="noopener"
external_links_no_follow = false # rel="nofollow"
external_links_no_referrer = false # rel="noreferrer"
smart_punctuation = false # `...` to `…`, `"quote"` to `“curly”` etc
highlight_theme = "dracula"
#highlight_theme = "inspired-github"
#highlight_theme = "ir-white"
#highlight_theme = "material-light"
#highlight_theme = "base16-ocean-dark"
extra_syntaxes_and_themes = [
# Put all your custom variables here
author = "Harald Hoyer"
clean_blog_menu = [
{url = "/", name = "Home"},
{url = "/tags", name = "Tags"},
{url = "https://photo-harald.hoyer.xyz/", name = "Photos"},
{url = "/impressum", name = "Impressum"},
clean_blog_social = [
# {url = "https://hoyer.xyz/profile/harald", icon="fab fa-mastodon"},
{url = "https://floss.social/@backslash", icon="fab fa-mastodon"},
{url = "https://github.com/haraldh", icon="fab fa-github"},
{url = "https://keybase.io/haraldhoyer/", icon="fab fa-keybase"},
{url = "/rss", icon="fas fa-rss"}
menu = [
{url = "/", name = "Home", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"},
{url = "archive", name = "Posts", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"},
# {url = "categories", name = "Categories", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"},
{url = "tags", name = "Tags", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"},
{url = "https://photo-harald.hoyer.xyz/", name = "Photos", blank = true},
menu_footer = [
{url = "impressum", name = "Impressum", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"},
{url = "privacy", name = "Privacy", slash = true, blank = false},
{url = "sitemap.xml", name = "Sitemap", slash = false, blank = true},
{url = "rss", name = "Feeds", slash = true, blank = false, size="s110"},
toc = true
recent = true # TOC / index
recent_items = 15
series = true
series_items = 9 # Max number of items to display in series list, use 0 to disable
#Series_parts = "$NUMBER_OF_PARTS part Series"
meta_index = { position="bottom", size="s90", author=false, readtime=false, readstring="min", date=true, updated=false, categories_tags=true, divider="" }
meta_post = { position="top", size="s95", author=true, readtime=false, readstring="min read", date=true, updated=true, categories_tags=true, divider="" }
hide_section_dates = false # hides the date for sections that use posts.html as their template.
hide_page_nextprev_titles = false # hides the next/previous titles for pages that use page.html as their template.
title_size_index = "s85"
footer_size = "s90"
footer_credit = true
#footer_credit_override = '<p class="s90">Powered by <a href="https://www.getzola.org/" target="_blank">Zola</a> &#38; <a href="https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/" target="_blank">Abridge</a></p>'
#archive_reverse = true # Set to True to sort posts chronologically per year instead of newest first on the archive page: example.com/archive/
### Uncomment one of the below lines, or neither, depending on which type of logo you want to use:
#logo = { file="logo.svg", width="32", height="32", alt="Abridge", text="bridge" }
#textlogo = '<font color="#f90">A</font>bridge'
#textlogo = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" stroke="#f90" viewBox="0 0 96 96" width="28" height="28"><path stroke-width="14" d="M14 99 46 7h4l32 92"/><path stroke-width="9" d="M-3 82c43-26 59-26 102 0"/><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5" d="M94 72v7m-5-9.8v7m-5-9.8v7.1M79 64v7M63 57.7v7m-5-8.2v7m-5-7.8v7m-5-7.2v7m-5-6.7v7m-5-6.3v7m-5-5.8v7M17 64v7m-5-4.6v7m-5-4.2v7M2 72v7"/></svg>bridge'
sitedesc = false # enables or disables the display of the site description below the logo.
headhr = false # show or hide horizontal rule below header
foothr = true # show or hide horizontal rule above footer
### $CURRENT_YEAR and $SITE_TITLE can be used anywhere within the copyright, you can change their position or you can also delete them and type whatever you want instead.
#copyright = false # set to false to disable the copyright.
#copyright_override = '© 2019-$CURRENT_YEAR $SITE_TITLE'
#copyright_override = '© $CURRENT_YEAR $SITE_TITLE • Website content is licensed <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">CC BY 4.0</a>.'
### meta/seo/analytic tags
### To disable title_addition but keep built in page additions eg, Posts page: "Posts | Abridge" set title_addition to an empty string
### To always set the page title exactly eg "Abridge" then comment out title_addition or set to false (not recommend, bad for SEO)
#title_separator = "|" # Separator between title and title_addition, set as |, -, _, etc
title_addition = "" # a default value for title addition
#author = "Jake G" # Put Your Name here
#keywords = "Abridge, Abridge.css, Zola, Theme, Zola Theme, getzola, Semantic Html, Fast, lightweight" # used for the primary site index
#banner = "banner.png" # Used as default image for OpenGraph/Twitter if page specific image is undefined.
#twitter_meta = "your-user-name" # for SEO: twitter:site and twitter:creator
#google = "Your Google Site verification code."
#bing = "Your Bing Site verification code."
seo = false # enable or disable seo-related meta tags: opengraph, facebook, twitter
#dev = false # development mode, if true then robots.txt should prevent search indexing.
### Footer social links; these are used in macros/social.html
### https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/templates/macros/social.html
feed = true # this adds the RSS feed icon in the footer.
#mail = "harald@hoyer.xyz"
mastodon = "https://floss.social/@backslash"
#element = "matrix.example.com"
#buymeacoffee = "your-user-name"
#kofi = "your-user-name"
#discord = "your-discord" # Everything after https://discord.com/ eg: invite/my-server *or* servers/my-server-id
#twitter = "your-user-name"
#facebook = "your-user-name"
#linkedin = "your-user-name"
gitlab = "haraldh"
github = "haraldh"
#codeberg = "your-user-name" # Everything after https://codeberg.org/ eg: username *or* username/repository
#github_sponsor = "your-user-name"
#bitbucket = "your-user-name"
#python = "your-user-name"
#docker = "your-user-name"
#stack = "your-user-name"
#instagram = "your-user-name"
#pixelfed = "@your-user-name" # Heaviest icon, off by default
#pinterest = "your-user-name"
#twitch = "your-user-name"
#youtube = "channel/your-channel-id"
#researchgate = "your-profile-id"
### Commenting System for visitors to leave comments on pages.
### hyvor talk
#comments.hyvor = "9366" # hyvor website id, comment out to disable.
#comments.hyvorcolor = "os" # set the color property for hyvor
### Resource Files
### You can load extra css files if you need to, just separate by comma:
### stylesheets = [ "abridge.css", "extra.css" ]
### search_library, library to use. valid values:
### false, "elasticlunr", "tinysearch", "stork"
### offline: implies uglyurls=true and integrity=false, when true NPM/node will
### automatically set the path for the base_url, it will build the site,
### then set the base_url back to what it was. This is a way to build a completely
### offline site, a feature not possible with Zola alone.
### The PWA feature is another way to build an offline site, so there are now two
### different ways to build an offline site with Abridge.
### For most people the value of online_url will be the same as base_url.
### online_url is used to restore the base_url after generating an Offline site.
### When you set offline = true and run the npm script, the base_url is set to the absolute path on disk.
### Once you set offline = false, the base_url will be set back to the value of online_url when you run the npm script again.
# do NOT include a trailing slash on the online URL
online_url = "https://harald.hoyer.xyz"
online_indexformat = "elasticlunr_json"# used to restore your preferred index format when offline = false
offline = false # implies uglyurls=true and integrity=false, when true NPM/node will automatically set the path for the base_url, it will build the site, then set the base_url back to what it was.
uglyurls = false # if set to true then links are generated with the full path. eg https://abridge.netlify.app/index.html
integrity = true # increases site security, should normally be true. (setting to false is useful during js development)
js_bundle = true # multiple javascript files combined into a single file (setting to false is useful during js development)
js_copycode = true # The copy button on code blocks that allows you to copy them to the clipboard.
js_email_encode = true # obfuscates email address in footer
js_prestyle = true # used to preload: FontAwesome, Katex, external Google Fonts
js_switcher = true # The button that allows manually changing between light/dark mode.
js_switcher_default = "dark" # default nojs switcher mode: dark, light (make sure to also set $switcherDefault in abridge.scss)
search_library = 'elasticlunr'
stylesheets = ["abridge.css"]
webmanifest = "manifest.min.json" # Required for PWAs
### PWA (Progressive Web Application)
### By default Abridge has pwa_NORM_TTL and pwa_LONG_TTL set to 0, this essential turns the PWA cache strategy into network first.
### Abridge uses cachebust hashing on js and css files, so anytime a page cache is updated, these resources would also get updated if changed.
### Media files rarely change, especially font files, so it is a good idea cache indefinitely.
### For pwa_TTL_EXEMPT indefinitely cached resources, you can force a new cache by incrementing the pwa_VER (cache version number).
### If you would like to try a cache first strategy then set a value higher than 0 for pwa_NORM_TTL and pwa_LONG_TTL.
### The options below other than pwa=true, only come into play when the npm/node script is ran.
pwa = true # true to load the service worker
pwa_VER = '3.11.0' # Service Worker cache version. (increment if you need to force a new cache)
### 3600=1hour, 28800=8hours, 86400=1day, 604800=1week, 1209600=2weeks
pwa_NORM_TTL = 0 # 86400 is reasonable. html, json, xml, anything else undefined
pwa_LONG_TTL = 0 # 604800 is reasonable.
### list of files that overrides TTL_LONG/TTL_EXEMPT to be a NORM TTL.
pwa_TTL_NORM = '"sw.min.js", "sw_load.min.js"'
### TTL_LONG file extensions will be cached for the LONG_TTL duration.
pwa_TTL_LONG = '"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "webp", "avif", "ico", "svg", "xsl", "txt"'
### TTL_EXEMPT file extensions will be cached indefinitely unless sw_load version is incremented, which would invalidate any existing cache. (and a new cache would be started)
pwa_TTL_EXEMPT = '"js", "css", "otf", "eot", "ttf", "woff", "woff2", "mp4", "webm", "mp3", "ogg"'
### If set to true then the entire site is cached. (useful for making an entire site usable while offline)
pwa_cache_all = true
### List of Files for the PWA to initially Cache, used if pwa_cache_all = false
pwa_BASE_CACHE_FILES = "'/js/theme.min.js','/js/theme_light.min.js','/abridge.css','/js/abridge.min.js','/','/404.html','/offline/','/manifest.min.json'"
### Favicons, comment out a line to disable loading some or all of these if needed.
favicon_theme_color = "#333333"
favicon_ms_color = "#333333"
favicon_mask = "safari-pinned-tab.svg" # safari-pinned-tab.svg
favicon_mask_color = "#ff9900"
#favicon_svg = "favicon.svg" # favicon.svg
#favicon180 = "apple-touch-icon.png" # apple-touch-icon.png
#favicon32 = "favicon-32x32.png" # favicon-32x32.png
#favicon16 = "favicon-16x16.png" # favicon-16x16.png
### Icons
### Loading the entire fontawesome icon collection will negatively impact your sites performance.
### For a lightweight solution consider adding only the icons that you need to the following file:
### https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/sass/include/_icons.scss
### To disable any of these icons set them to "false" (will default to unicode icons instead)
#icon_search = "svgs search" # Search button in search box.
#icon_adjust = "svgs adjust" # Theme Switcher button in top menu. (add class svgh to change colors on hover)
#icon_first = "svgs svgh angll" # Pagination First Page.
#icon_prev = "svgs svgh angl" # Pagination Previous Page.
#icon_next = "svgs svgh angr" # Pagination Next Page.
#icon_last = "svgs svgh angrr" # Pagination Last Page.
#icon_top = "svgs svgh angu" # Back to Top Button.
#icon_read = "svgs fa-solid fa-glasses" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page.
#icon_date = "svgs fa-solid fa-calendar" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page.
#icon_info = "svgs fa-solid fa-circle-info" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page for categories/tags
#icon_author = "svgs fa-solid fa-pen-fancy" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page.
### Uncomment below line to load fontawesome, eg: <i class="fa-solid fa-heart"></i>
#fontawesome = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free@6.1.1/css/all.min.css"
#icon_read = "svgs fa-solid fa-glasses" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page.
#icon_date = "svgs fa-solid fa-calendar" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page.
#icon_info = "svgs fa-solid fa-circle-info" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page for categories/tags
#icon_author = "svgs fa-solid fa-pen-fancy" # displayed in metadata on index and below title on page.
### Security Settings
### Security Headers should preferably be set by your webserver (Nginx, Apache)
### https://observatory.mozilla.org https://csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com/
### If you are unable to load your security headers with your webserver, this will load a couple of them as meta tags.
### There are many other security related headers most of which can only be set by the webserver method.
### If you happen to use Netlify, you can define all the headers in your netlify.toml file:
### https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/netlify.toml
### UnComment any of these lines to enable their meta tags.
#security_header_referrer = "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
#security_header_csp = "default-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; manifest-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; script-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: cdn.cloudflare.com; frame-src 'self' www.youtube-nocookie.com player.vimeo.com; media-src 'self' data: cdn.cloudflare.com www.youtube-nocookie.com player.vimeo.com; font-src 'self' cdn.cloudflare.com cdn.jsdelivr.net fonts.gstatic.com; style-src 'self' cdn.cloudflare.com cdn.jsdelivr.net fonts.googleapis.com;"
### FONTS - Abridge by default uses the System Font Stack
### https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/system-font-stack/
### However if you need you can load a specific font below,
### make sure to have the relevant woff2 fonts in your static/fonts folder
### I measured the least Cumulative Layout Shift with: Roboto, Lato, Arimo
### For externally loaded Fonts, make sure to include the FULL url including the https prefix:
#fonts = [ {url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700,italic|Roboto+Mono:400,italic"} ]
### Local fonts are defined in the css, https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/tree/master/COPY-TO-ROOT-SASS/fonts/_Arimo.scss
### To load a local font resource, look at the bottom of this file: https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/COPY-TO-ROOT-SASS/abridge.scss
### After loading them in the CSS, You can also define them below and it will add the preload tag to the head.
### preloading fonts will eliminate Content Layout Shift, but will hurt with page load time. (not recommended)
#fonts = [
# {url = "fonts/Roboto-Mono.woff2"},
# {url = "fonts/Roboto-Mono-Italic.woff2"},
# {url = "fonts/Roboto.woff2"},
# {url = "fonts/Roboto-Italic.woff2"},
# {url = "fonts/Roboto-Bold.woff2"},
### Katex - math js library, used to to render mathematical notations
### It's best to enable katex on a per page bases as I did here:
### https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-math/
### https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/blob/master/content/overview-math.md?plain=1#L11-L13
### Otherwise you will load the katex related javascript on every page!
#katex_options = "js/katexoptions.js"
#katex_bundle = "js/katexbundle.min.js"
### Load Katex Local Resources
#katex_css = "katex.min.css" # Fonts - load the css/fonts locally
#katex_js = "js/katex.min.js" # use local js, so that we dont have to whitelist cdn.jsdelivr.net for script src in CSP
#mathtex_js = "js/mathtex-script-type.min.js" # use local js, so that we dont have to whitelist cdn.jsdelivr.net for script src in CSP
#katex_autorender_js = "js/katex-auto-render.min.js"
### Load Katex External Resources
#katex_css = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.15.6/dist/katex.min.css" # Fonts - use remote fonts
#katex_css_integrity = "sha384-ZPe7yZ91iWxYumsBEOn7ieg8q/o+qh/hQpSaPow8T6BwALcXSCS6C6fSRPIAnTQs"
#katex_js = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.15.6/dist/katex.min.js"
#katex_js_integrity = "sha384-ljao5I1l+8KYFXG7LNEA7DyaFvuvSCmedUf6Y6JI7LJqiu8q5dEivP2nDdFH31V4"
#katex_autorender_js = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.15.6/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js"
#katex_autorender_js_integrity = "sha384-+XBljXPPiv+OzfbB3cVmLHf4hdUFHlWNZN5spNQ7rmHTXpd7WvJum6fIACpNNfIR"
#mathtex_js = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.15.6/dist/contrib/mathtex-script-type.min.js"
#mathtex_js_integrity = "sha384-jiBVvJ8NGGj5n7kJaiWwWp9AjC+Yh8rhZY3GtAX8yU28azcLgoRo4oukO87g7zDT"
#math = false # Recommended setting false, and enable on per page bases instead.
#math_auto_render = false # Recommended setting false, and enable on per page bases instead.