inputs @ { options , config , lib , pkgs , ... }: with lib; with lib.plusultra; let cfg = config.plusultra.cli-apps.neovim; in { options.plusultra.cli-apps.neovim = with types; { enable = mkBoolOpt false "Whether or not to enable neovim."; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # FIXME: As of today (2022-12-09), `page` no longer works with my Neovim # configuration. Either something in my configuration is breaking it or `page` is busted. # page plusultra.neovim ]; environment.variables = { # PAGER = "page"; # MANPAGER = # "page -C -e 'au User PageDisconnect sleep 100m|%y p|enew! |bd! #|pu p|set ft=man'"; PAGER = "less"; MANPAGER = "less"; NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX = "$HOME/.npm-global"; EDITOR = "nvim"; }; plusultra.home = { configFile = { "dashboard-nvim/.keep".text = ""; }; extraOptions = { # Use Neovim for Git diffs. programs.zsh.shellAliases.vimdiff = "nvim -d"; programs.bash.shellAliases.vimdiff = "nvim -d"; = "nvim -d"; }; }; }; }