with lib;
with lib.metacfg;
  common = import ../../common.nix { };
  cfg = config.metacfg.user;
  defaultIconFileName = "profile.jpg";
  defaultIcon = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
    name = "default-icon";
    src = ./. + "/${defaultIconFileName}";

    dontUnpack = true;

    installPhase = ''
      cp $src $out

    passthru = {
      fileName = defaultIconFileName;
  propagatedIcon =
    pkgs.runCommandNoCC "propagated-icon"
        passthru = {
          fileName = cfg.icon.fileName;
        local target="$out/share/metacfg-icons/user/${cfg.name}"
        mkdir -p "$target"

        cp ${cfg.icon} "$target/${cfg.icon.fileName}"
  options.metacfg.user = with types; {
    name = mkOpt str "harald" "The name to use for the user account.";
    fullName = mkOpt str "Harald Hoyer" "The full name of the user.";
    email = mkOpt str "harald@hoyer.xyz" "The email of the user.";
    initialPassword =
      mkOpt str "password"
        "The initial password to use when the user is first created.";
    icon = mkOpt (nullOr package) defaultIcon "The profile picture to use for the user.";
    prompt-init = mkBoolOpt true "Whether or not to show an initial message when opening a new shell.";
    extraGroups = mkOpt (listOf str) [ ] "Groups for the user to be assigned.";
    sshKeys = mkOpt (listOf str) common.defaultSSHKeys "ssh keys";
    extraOptions = mkOpt attrs { } (mdDoc "Extra options passed to `users.users.<name>`.");

  config = {
    environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ];

    metacfg.home = {
      file = {
        "Desktop/.keep".text = "";
        "Documents/.keep".text = "";
        "Downloads/.keep".text = "";
        "Music/.keep".text = "";
        "Pictures/.keep".text = "";
        "Videos/.keep".text = "";
        "work/.keep".text = "";
        "git/.keep".text = "";
        ".face".source = cfg.icon;
        "Pictures/${cfg.icon.fileName or (builtins.baseNameOf cfg.icon)}".source = cfg.icon;

      extraOptions.programs.bash.initExtra = ''
        if [[ $(${pkgs.procps}/bin/ps --no-header --pid=$PPID --format=comm) != "fish" && -z ''${BASH_EXECUTION_STRING} ]]
          shopt -q login_shell && LOGIN_OPTION='--login' || LOGIN_OPTION=""
          SHELL=/run/current-system/sw/bin/fish exec ${pkgs.fish}/bin/fish $LOGIN_OPTION
          [[ $SHELL == *fish ]] && SHELL=/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash

    users.users.${cfg.name} = {
      isNormalUser = true;

      # inherit (cfg) name initialPassword;

      openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = cfg.sshKeys;
      home = "/home/${cfg.name}";
      group = "users";

      shell = pkgs.bash;

      # Arbitrary user ID to use for the user. Since I only
      # have a single user on my machines this won't ever collide.
      # However, if you add multiple users you'll need to change this
      # so each user has their own unique uid (or leave it out for the
      # system to select).
      uid = 1000;

      extraGroups = [ "wheel" ] ++ cfg.extraGroups;
    } // cfg.extraOptions;